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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • RhodeStiva
    Painted bumper and inside

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  • Damkid
    Gave it a bath...... it had a LOT of oil on the hatch from the rear main seal leaking

    Last edited by Damkid; 09-13-2012, 06:54 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by Dare View Post
    I think the point of these cars is that you are never 100%. I don't think I would ever be.
    Good point.

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  • greywolf200
    I give up, sorry!!

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  • greywolf200
    How about this one?

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  • greywolf200

    Is this how it's supposed to work?

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  • greywolf200
    I put my new JDM RS steering wheel on and replaced the gearshift. I was a little skeptical of the small wheel but it is the most comfortable wheel I've ever had. Two problems, it is so small I can't see the gauges. The second is that I didn't get the pins on the turn signal cam lined up correctly and broke both of them. Ok guys, how do I fix that? How do you like the gearshift knob? It was a freebie and is a big improvement over the golf ball the PO had on there. Not a golf ball gearshift knob, but a real drilled golf It is a Predator knob so I feel the power.

    First time I've tried this:

    Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!

    Wish me luck I hope that worked.

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  • Dare
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Finished putting in the battery tray I got from skimsucka, and my 12" hubcaps I ordered off ebay came, so I popped those on.

    Found a leak in the oil pan gasket, so that make two gaskets that need replaced, the other being the valve cover gasket.

    Looks like someone did a s%!# job of putting on the oil pan gasket last time, I see some silicon sealant squeezed out right where the leak is. I sure friggin' hope that isn't all they sealed it with.

    Luckily, it only leaks when the car is leaning on the passenger side.

    Still got quite a bit more work ahead of me on this car till I am 100% happy with the car.
    I think the point of these cars is that you are never 100%. I don't think I would ever be.

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  • Advancedynamix
    Getting sick of hearing the wear indicator squeal on Rosies front left brake, might put pads on her today. I have a Capri swap for her, but I need to modify some front shocks and get Rio tops first so she isn't sitting 4x4 style. Pads are cheap.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Finished putting in the battery tray I got from skimsucka, and my 12" hubcaps I ordered off ebay came, so I popped those on.

    Found a leak in the oil pan gasket, so that make two gaskets that need replaced, the other being the valve cover gasket.

    Looks like someone did a s%!# job of putting on the oil pan gasket last time, I see some silicon sealant squeezed out right where the leak is. I sure friggin' hope that isn't all they sealed it with.

    Luckily, it only leaks when the car is leaning on the passenger side.

    Still got quite a bit more work ahead of me on this car till I am 100% happy with the car.
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 09-13-2012, 05:12 PM.

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  • FestYboy
    ^ careful, the rio equiptment may require 14" rims.

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  • Christ
    Bought a complete front kit for the red one, might as well do the front struts while I've got it all apart and maybe before I do the work I'll see about getting an Escort MC and some Rio hubs to do everything all at once.

    Once I'm 4x100 all around, I've got a set of 13" Honda spoked wheels and 165/70R13 tires that are almost new to go on it.

    Then I probably have to quit spending money for awhile again.

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  • TheresGabe
    I bought my festiva all sorts of fun stuff today!
    New Tie rod ends: $12.99 X 2
    New Tail light bulb: $9.99
    New corner light bulbs: $4.99
    New Fender: $32.99

    Next time I need to buy it one of these!: (There was no less than 5 at the ONE junkyard I went to. Out of 25+ Escorts)
    Last edited by TheresGabe; 09-13-2012, 02:20 PM.

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  • pointA2B
    Originally posted by Spike View Post
    Yeah, it's a little cushioned piece of plastic, gray or tan, that runs along the metal above the door card. Usually comes on the non-L cars? Atleast to what I've seen.

    I have my driver's L-Plus door with the trim, and my passenger L door without. Been too lazy to put it on.
    ha my 88LX has it on the passenger side. I had to rip off the driver side it was dry rotted and cracked up. Nov I gotta get all the glue off from the little pad cushion.

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  • RhodeStiva
    i am using some free paint from work it is a safety blue color but is close to car color but not exact.
    i thought it would be to much blue
    the armrest panels are all scratched up i might just sand a little and repaint grey

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