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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • DriverOne
    Cool, Rafe. Looks good.

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  • Prafeston
    Installed my "new to me" rear hatch this morning.

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  • TheresGabe
    Originally posted by FestYboy View Post
    ummm why are you running them out of phase...? you're loosing power that way as the ports aren't isolated from eachother (but can't tecnicaly acouticly couple either due to distance, though they will sound that way). are each of the 12s isolated within the box, or do they share a chamber?
    Each of the 12's is isolated. The ports are isolated. This is similar to my box. (except my ports aren't ghetto chrome )Running out of phase, I'm essentially cutting ohms in half, basically doubling power (I'm not running a BIG amp, as I've had issues with Festivas and big amps before.

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  • ericsmith32
    Drove it today... man this thing is a blast to drive with Aspire swap! Even with crappy primewell tires it'll stick in the corners to the point the fuel gauge shows the exact opposite. One tip I can give is do the back first don't swap in front without the rear or you'll have adverse handling.. actually oh crap handling!

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  • TorqueEffect
    Painted the headliner today, then put it and the painted A-pillar trim pieces back in, also painted the little coat hangers black.

    Originally posted by RhodeStiva View Post
    where's the pictures?
    Would have got some today, but my cell's battery is dead. Will get some tomorrow after I paint my bumpers. Picked up some paint meant for exterior trim and bumpers.

    Originally posted by pointA2B View Post
    Im gonna paint my rear speaker plastics black tomorrow with krylon fusion. What are you gonna use to paint the headliner?
    I didn't even use Krylon fusion :p, I used Valspar plastic paint for my a-pillar trim, worked really well, only prep I had done was use some surface cleaner.

    But anyway, after looking at what they had at Lowes, I didn't see any spray paint meant for vinyl. So I used what I had left of the plastic paint to do the headliner. (Also used a bit of the bumper paint for the last layer since my can of valspar ran out.)

    Only time will tell if it holds ups.

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  • FestYboy
    Originally posted by gadelbert1 View Post
    Went from one 12" subwoofer to two. A single 12" box with a square side port, to a dual 12" bandpass box with 4 round ports. Running them out of phase... It's officially LOUD now.
    ummm why are you running them out of phase...? you're loosing power that way as the ports aren't isolated from eachother (but can't tecnicaly acouticly couple either due to distance, though they will sound that way). are each of the 12s isolated within the box, or do they share a chamber?

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  • Spike
    Darn it. Well, good and bad. I put that new-used VAF on the other day and FINALLY!! got over 27MPG. I hit 32.25 with mostly in-town driving. No more CEL at all, either.

    I figured my next problem came from the VAF, but it evidently didn't. If I'm driving at 25-30ish (gravel roads, usually lots of hills), I'll manually shift down to 2nd gear (Automatic trans). I'll get a few miles down the road and look in the mirror.. loads of smoke. Dunno if it's white or grey, kinda in the middle.

    I've done a complete tune-up (including fuel/air filters, no gaskets), and it still persists. I know I can just not use 2nd, but I hate having to lay on the brake whenever I go backroading.

    Any ideas?

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  • JPT
    Had way too much fun with the B8 this Summer. My Exedy clutch finally said "no mas".

    So I put this in.

    I'll let you know how good it is after I break it in.

    Yes, I know about the axle. It was replaced.
    Last edited by JPT; 09-16-2012, 08:54 PM.

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  • TheresGabe
    Wow... I thought I was doing good. I just replaced the Wheel Cylinder on the passenger side rear. The old one was DESTROYED!

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  • gauge_half_inch

    New bottom end, finally using my swaintech coated pistons, ACL race series bearings, and the main studs.

    Got it all in, 40 miles down. Need to get it broke in for madness. This is going to be a long couple weeks wth a slipping clutch over 8psi...

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  • pointA2B
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Painted the A-pillar interior panels black. Painting headliner black tomorrow.
    Im gonna paint my rear speaker plastics black tomorrow with krylon fusion. What are you gonna use to paint the headliner?

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  • juanj0
    Originally posted by RhodeStiva View Post
    what pipe ? the air intake is from an aspire

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  • Ford Fester
    Originally posted by Advancedynamix View Post
    That little resonator made a huge difference! Pics tomorrow of it installed.
    Im gunna go on a limb and say you made the whole resonator, not just welded a flange on the end....

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  • Advancedynamix
    Originally posted by RhodeStiva View Post
    yea my exhaust is gonna be loud and it sucks
    That little resonator made a huge difference! Pics tomorrow of it installed.

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  • TheresGabe
    Went from one 12" subwoofer to two. A single 12" box with a square side port, to a dual 12" bandpass box with 4 round ports. Running them out of phase... It's officially LOUD now.

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