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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • GenevaDirt
    lets see....last Saturday on the way to Fall Ohiostiva I lost my brakes....almost completely. E-brake was not functioning properly either so needless to say the ride there and home was really fun.
    Sunday decided to look into the problem...started in the rear because the fronts were new as of Madness. Found that the e-brake linkage inside the drum was frozen on drivers side but brakes were I freed it up and got it working. Went to the passenger side and same thing....but after getting them fixed still had no pedal and when the wife stepped on the brakes the rear wheel cylinder on passenger side leaked.
    Had one I took off some extra spindles I have and installed it. Hitting pedal nothing at all moved. Went up to the master cylinder and had the wife pump the brakes...noticed air bubbles every time. I was off Monday so I hit the junkyard up the road and bought back one of my old mater cylinders from a couple of Festy's I had taken there, 10 bucks.
    Took the old MC off and as soon as I separated it from the booster fluid ran I was on the right track. Got it all swapped out and proceeded to bleed the brakes. I used one of the one man bleeder kits but it still took 2 Anyway....I will never bleed the brakes any other way again. I was able to do one corner completely at a time and bleed out all the old fluid and replaced with fresh. All were pretty good as far as air went except for the rear drivers much air came out I thought the little bottle was going to shoot out of my hand. After I got it all bleed and refilled with nice clean fluid I went for a ride.
    All I have to say is I did not know a Festy with stock brakes could stop that good....I barely touch the brake and she is stopping ,NOW!
    All I have to do now is wait for the bumps on my head to go down from the numerous times I bounced off the windshield....dohhh!

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  • Team Lightning
    Tuesday mine rolled over to 300K.

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  • ENEMY_
    Just bought fabric to wrap my door panels and headliner

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  • 91blufestiva
    Not yet^ probably not til saturday cause everytime i get off work it's dark out :/ unless I get up earlier tmrw and do it before work

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  • David88
    Originally posted by 91blufestiva View Post
    Checked out my new rust free 20,000 mile 90LX !!!!
    Sweet! You get pics?

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  • Joe Dirt
    Diddled with the shift light

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  • 91blufestiva
    Checked out my new rust free 20,000 mile 90LX !!!!

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  • Skrapbob
    New 1156 bulb for the left front blinker. Installed passenger visor morror. Buffed and waxed. Purchased some front dash speakers from ebay

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  • ericsmith32
    Originally posted by Nerd Racing View Post

    don't kill the aspire!
    Wouldn't be killing it more like letting it rest. I figured I'd store the shell in one of dad's barns. Too many things wrong with it including the bent frame up front, pulls to the left real bad on some roads. May not do anything with it truthfully except storing it as is.. might be forced into my sisters Focus.. not a bad thing really.

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  • m715
    Just changed my fan swich not long ago, and was shocked the faulty one actually came out of the housing without ruining the threads!

    Last edited by m715; 10-27-2011, 07:05 AM.

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  • 200KGPGTP
    Cleaned it out... With a leaf blower. Yes, really. Also applied 2 Ron Paul bumper stickers.

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  • Nerd Racing

    don't kill the aspire!

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  • ericsmith32
    Drove it letting the Aspire rest. Debating on pulling all the suspension off the Aspire and putting it on the Festiva. Eventually the engine and auto trans. Debating debating.

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  • crazyrog17
    Found out my fan switch actually works! I had the fan running constantly all summer but when temps dropped below 50 on average, I plugged it back in to keep it from running all the time. It almost scared me when it came on waiting at a drive through!

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  • navdoc101
    Beautiful ,sunny 81 degree Florida day. Washed , waxed & RainXed 'Tiva. Only problem was the damn skitters!!

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