I rallied mine in my buddy's field. We're working on setting up a practice course. Almost ripped off the airdamn, but I don't care. I want to make a new one anyway, and it was totally worth it!
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What have you done to your Festiva today!?
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New front tires arrived from TireRack.com in lightning fast delivery. Can't wait to get payed and paint the front rims & get them mounted to complete my fresh set of shoes for the Festy
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Replaced valve cover gasket on the BP and degreased as much oil off the engine as possible and washed it all off while engine was cold. Installed a Bulldog security remote start for the coming cold mornings. Soldered all wires even under the dash using super thin solder for quick melting. Took me forever to figure out why it would only run for 30 seconds, then reprogrammed to start "tachless" and now she stays at the programmed 15 minutes setting. Damn wife couldn't remember where she left the camera til I was done with all wiring. I can do a write up if people are interested, while memory is still fresh.
Changed the oil and filter with 3 quarts 10w 30 Havoline petro oil and a Fram 6X Extraguard filter and one quart of Lucas oil stabilizer.
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Originally posted by getnpsi View PostIf you have the time you might want to unbolt the top of it all off and do a good cleaning....or not...almost as much work as a b8?I bet I can do it in two weekends
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^^^good call on catching it early let's hope. I read in the FMV thread about the oil intake issue and i wanted to say that pcv system has a serious issue address it asap.
If you have the time you might want to unbolt the top of it all off and do a good cleaning....or not...almost as much work as a b8?
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Found out my oil problem wasn't from a seal leak at lunchtime. It was blowing out of the dipstick tube. Major crankcase pressure! Pushed the dipstick up a couple inches and was blowing oil. Anyway, took off the pipe that goes from the intake tube to the valve cover and found that for some reason the bung on the intake tube was still shut solid. It was molded that way. So I hacked off an 1/8" from the end of it where it was sealed and hooked the pipe back up. No more blowing oil. Its burning a good bit of oil though, so may be the rings, but I'm hoping its just a bunch of oil that got up in the intake when things were out of whack, and maybe once that burns off it will quit. If not... B8 time lol.
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Put it back on all 4 wheels and loaded tools and parts in her to tow it home. It's been at my mom's all this time and i haven't had the time to get over there to work on it very often. I'm on the homestretch however
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added some evo rallyeye spotlights. Supercharger comes this week. Should be an interesting endeavor.
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Drove Green Car to work today. Was having a lot of trouble and I was suspecting it was low on fuel, even thought the needle on my new tach cluster was still showing between an 1/8 and a 1/4 tank. Put in five gallons and it ran great, so need to adjust the needle a bit since wifey will be driving it some. Found out one thing right away. It needs rotors. BAD! Like so bad I'm surprised I didn't actually see the warpage when I had the wheels off swapping them. I did look at the pads and they are brand new though. The second issue I found after I got to work. Its flinging oil all over the place, I think from the front crank seal but not 100% as it was still a little dark out. But its a running driving car that so far I have $350 for the purchase price, and $15 worth of gas in, so all in all, not bad. I did switch wheels and tires, but not because it needed it, I just wanted the alloys off of it for Babystiva. I'm happy with the way these 13s look on it now, but I do need to get rid of the 155/80s and go to something like a 155/70 or 165/70.
Last edited by htchbck; 10-05-2011, 09:12 AM.
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yeah! glad to hear you got home safe. nice meeting you! 5k miles...yikes
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parked it in my driveway after the 5018 mile trip, feels good to be home.
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