The only commercial that works on me is the Johnsonville Brats commercial. EVERY TIME.
I used to hate brats too, haha. Cheddar brats ftw.
Oh, and I romped on the Festy today. Raced my brother home and beat him by 5 minutes. It was a 4 mile race, haha. Believe it or not, I did the speed limit.
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What have you done to your Festiva today!?
This is a sticky topic.
Man All those Guiness commercials really do a good job describing a "rich creamy pint of Guiness". Makes me want to go out and buy one every time. But I'll tell ya', that is some pretty nasty stuff. Glad you enjoy though.
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Finally finished (sort of) deleting outer door handles, passeger side been done for weeks but finally stitch welded in a plate to fill the hole on the drivers side. Now enjoying a pint of guinness
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Installed a subwoofer.
Its a basic little 10" Visonik a friend gave me paired with a 250W Sony amp I got off Craigslist for $21.
It gives my system some low end. My 4" speakers are Kicker brand, but they're still only 4".
For such a cheap sub and low power amp, it hits hard when you turn it up.
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Put a couple of old 6x9 speakers in a box in the back of the car, speakers arent the best but they work lol, and I only tapped into the regular 4" speakers so now my car has 4 speakers just in back lol
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Got all my parts ordered and getting ready to dig in after work. New struts, half shafts and a wheel bearing. I think Im keeping PB Blaster in business.
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Started cleaning out my project. I will post pics later in my build thread. OMG how clean the interior is underneath.
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Put on a new cone air filter, no idea where the old one feel off. haha
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Here are the Escort mirrors. The mirrors plug right in. As said, the bottom has to be cut off about 3/4", but not difficult at all. I used the Festiva switch.
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Got a valve job on my 92L; head was machined; 2 bad valves replaced; seals replaced. now running with Amzoil oil and Mach3 Super Eco Fuel Saver (that stuff is awesome!); replaced the leaking A/C condenser; new belts; recharged the A/C; new timing belt cover gasket; and new 6*9 woofers under the front seat with enclosures for some bass. And detailed with DWG's Ultra-Ion "Waterless Car Wash". Even have an original Alpine Industries 12V ozone generator for that "fresh air" inside too. And there you have it!
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^^ Switch no, though early ('88-'92) 626/MX6 switches are plug and play, I've heard also some 323s and Tracers as well but I've never used them. The mirrors plug right up, have to cut about 3/4" or so off the bottom to bolt on, and only two bolt holes line up. You can drill the third, but I never found it necessary (the springs in the mirrors take up most of the shock if it gets bumped).
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