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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • ERK1990
    I gutted my whole interior except dash n driver seat (it's still drivable) getn it ready for cage and the start of the tracktiva.

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  • walth
    MG or alfa romeo possibly?

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  • Advancedynamix
    Originally posted by Movin View Post
    The Arbor society hates you, FestYboy probably likes revenge on

    I put a nice deep sounding 2 chamber round muffler on Fluffy with dual stainless outs

    What type of car is parked next to fluffy?

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  • walth
    lookin good

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  • freshtiva
    I pulled Festdiva out of the garage today. Tags expire months end. Took it and got some exhaust work done. My old exhaust had about six holes in it, all where the hangers were welded to the pipe when I got some work done a couple of years ago. The holes were the only problem. Also put Redfords old wheels and tires on it for tomorrows vehicle inspection. I need to start using up some 13s Ive got. A couple of pics of Diva and Jerry. Jerry came out for awhile today also.

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  • neanderpaul
    Lol! Tree was huge and didn't budge... In the least.

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  • Movin
    Originally posted by neanderpaul View Post
    In the past 2 days I've done the following to my 26th festiva. Its an 88LX . Straightened the frame with a chain,A TREE!, and reverse. Installed the sway bar, filled it with 9.1 gallons, installed passenger fender, put the oem straps back on the axle boots, changed the oil and filter, changed the transmission fluid, changed the rear wheel bearings, aligned it, put a wheel and tire that I already had, wiper blades, headlight bulb, marker light bulb, and then took it for state inspection.*

    Now to swap out the bumper for the towing bumper and see if I can get the ac functional. I'm towing my 93 auto down to Fourthstiva this weekend!
    The Arbor society hates you, FestYboy probably likes revenge on

    I put a nice deep sounding 2 chamber round muffler on Fluffy with dual stainless outs

    Last edited by Movin; 06-26-2012, 09:18 PM.

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  • neanderpaul
    In the past 2 days I've done the following to my 26th festiva. Its an 88LX . Straightened the frame with a chain, a tree, and reverse. Installed the sway bar, filled it with 9.1 gallons, installed passenger fender, put the oem straps back on the axle boots, changed the oil and filter, changed the transmission fluid, changed the rear wheel bearings, aligned it, put a wheel and tire that I already had, wiper blades, headlight bulb, marker light bulb, and then took it for state inspection.*

    Now to swap out the bumper for the towing bumper and see if I can get the ac functional. I'm towing my 93 auto down to Fourthstiva this weekend!

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  • Oren09
    Put on a new fender. Needs a bit of a polish to be as shiny as the rest of my car.

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  • DriverOne
    Originally posted by Movin View Post
    I was reading this thread while the wife was watching TV and said"Wow, a hot set of tails" at just the wrong time...You ever been beat with a walker??
    FUNNY!!! :laughing9:

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  • 200KGPGTP
    I just got a paper route too, lol. Anyone have a Festiva for sale local!?

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  • Movin
    I was reading this thread while the wife was watching TV and said"Wow, a hot set of tails" at just the wrong time...You ever been beat with a walker?? I didn't even get to see the "hot
    set of tails"!! what a rip!!

    saving grace..The kids car just broke down and they have 4 paper routes...Fluffy
    might be busy tonight..!

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  • DriverOne
    I am still on the prowl for custom parts, either homemade or aftermarket, and I believe I've found everything I need to make a hot set of tails. This is along the truck light concept, for those of you who have been following that. They've started producing replacement lenses for the snap-together twin lens assemblies for truck fenders in the standard size, which means if I can get going on the fiberglass stuff this summer as I mentioned earlier, I can make my own tail lights (with reverse lights ). They will probably be paint-to-match or black, but don't hold your breath just yet. I'm just updating my finds.

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  • Festiva_Fred
    Someone at a gas station came up to me and offered to buy my car... I said, sorry it's not for sale! Of course

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  • neanderpaul
    Shipping seats is a total pain. I don't blame you.

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