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What have you done to your Festiva today!?
This is a sticky topic.
Cleaned her up some today..
Can't wait to get the bodywork and paint redone, and all the other mods I have planned..
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Just ordered my personalized plate today, can't wait til it comes in: N6UY3N
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I let the 90 rest, picked up the kybs for the rear on the 93. Looked at the rest of them.
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Put a BP in the Back!
Not as exciting as is sounds. Lol. This is the Second BP I have had back there is week! Gotta keep those Miatas on the track!
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Created an apropos hood ornament from a craft store toy, glued magnets underneath it so I could remove it if need be. It remained on the hood at 60mph for 30 minutes! Ahhh yeah, that's entertainment.
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Put an air filter in the housing, but it doesn't fit properly. Works for now anyway.
Put a couple spliced wires together nicely and retaped those sections of the harness, then reinstalled the door sill trim on the drivers side and put the fuse panel back in the stock location.
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Oooh ya :-) ill be loading up tomorrow sometime to get ready for the trip, should only take me an hour to get ready to go
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I changed the oil and cleaned it out to get ready for the road trip tomorrow.
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Dang all it needed was a little more meat. Got out the 1/2 drive ratchet this time and cinched all the bolts one more time. Pretty sure it was the passenger side tie rod. Drives like well.. a Festiva now! Time for the rear swap.
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