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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • gauge_half_inch
    I've reused belts, water pumps, oil pumps, if they feel/look as the should, why not. If your doing your own work the only thing you losing is your time to change it out later when they do finally fail. But in the mean time, you save money on your swap.

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  • Christ
    If they're fine, use them. I've reused timing belts from junkyard cars. The reason people advise against it is b/c they're a bit of a pain to change.

    Well.... Ok.. some people are just misinformed, but the above applies to most people.

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  • purg3d
    Got to work on my donor engine

    - Drained out all the oil that was sitting in it for 6 years; added fresh from containers laying around- added a little anti-freeze (oops); drain; refill
    - Removed the rusty plugs
    - ATF/Kroil inside the plug holes; let sit for 12 hours

    - Cranked engine by hand to confirm it wasn't siezed
    - Removed all fuel injection stuff. Confirmed broken bolt in head at intake manifold. Not simply lost as I had hoped.

    There's still a bit of bolt still exposed against the head. Smurfstiva mentioned a tractor backed into the front end- probably the 'path of least resistance'. I'm going to skip the ez-out, and try welding a nut to it.

    PO put a fresh timing belt and water pump in the blow-by engine. Thoughts on reusing these items on the donor engine?

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  • Damkid
    Sooo I think I now have a bad headgasket.... Ugh..... It's just never ending this year, I seriously need to park my festiva in the garage and wait til there's 6 months of dust on it before I even look at it again

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  • DriverOne
    Replaced a valve cover gasket on my mom's Aspire today, and gave it a bath. Does your car smile?

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  • skimsucka
    Originally posted by Advancedynamix View Post
    I went the furthest that I've ever gone between fillups today. 275 miles! I got just under 34mpg at about 70mph.
    exactly what my b6t's best is

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by rbrown View Post
    Found rust I didn't know I had. Makes me sad.
    In the middle of the B6T swap and bodywork and cleanup and now I find this. Boo.
    Can't be as bad as the rust on my car, so I say be grateful if it is only a little.

    Rust on mine is pretty much irreversible unless I spent hundreds, or most likely thousands at a body shop to get it all repaired.

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  • Safety Guy
    Rust: the all natural gift that keeps on giving!


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  • neanderpaul

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  • rbrown
    Found rust I didn't know I had. Makes me sad.
    In the middle of the B6T swap and bodywork and cleanup and now I find this. Boo.

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  • defprun
    Primed and painted my battery tie-down. Thinking about removing the back seat...

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  • DriftMagister
    On my 89 carby 121, i got 700km out of one tank.

    also today, i changed the mechanical fuel pump, fuel filter, sparkplugs, air filter, carby cleaned it, adjusted the idle, regassed the aircon, replaced the rocker cover gasket, added white interior leds and white number plate leds, new wiper blades, washed, polished, vacuumed and tyre shined it.

    Few weeks ago i changed the timing belt and waterpump.

    Ive also just put in recently:

    5 1/4 inch MTX coaxials in the front in mdf spacers in the doors.

    4" MTX coaxials in the rear stock locations

    12" DVC Kenwood Subwoofer

    700w rms monoblock powering the sub

    75w rms x2 Kenwood 2 channel amp powering the front coaxials.

    All above wired in with 0awg from the battery with inline fuse, 1 Farad Capacitor, and a Dblock splitting into 4 Awg for the amps.

    oh i also repainted the door handles and wiper blades black

    Looks schmick still for an 1989 model with 208,000 kms

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Advancedynamix
    I went the furthest that I've ever gone between fillups today. 275 miles! I got just under 34mpg at about 70mph.

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  • Damkid
    Haha ya, it just sucks seeing the numbers on how poor of mileage I'm getting.... If I get depressed about it I'll just have to go out and punish the tires some more hahaha

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  • Flyin4stroke
    ^^ haha why are you worried about fuel mileage when you are ripping rubber off of your front tires at an insane rate

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